These are more pictures of Bear Lake in October. We went for a bike ride to the park. Findlay loved the swing. She had so much fun! I think we are going to have to invest in a swing set come spring.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Bear Lake Bike Ride
These are more pictures of Bear Lake in October. We went for a bike ride to the park. Findlay loved the swing. She had so much fun! I think we are going to have to invest in a swing set come spring.
Bear Lake Climber
We spent a weekend in September with the Cheney Fam at their cabin in Midway. It was so much fun! They have all boys, a 3 year old, and 18 month old twins. Those boys loved Fin, and she's a pretty big flirt. She totally coaxed Alex the 3 year old, pretty much the whole weekend. We went bug hunting, swimming and played on a pool table. Alex told his mom and dad when he got home that he wanted to go back to the fun house and play with Nate and Finnigan.
Pineview on Labor Day
Ryan and Meagan's Wedding
Bear Lake in June
Monday, June 16, 2008
Yard Work
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Watermelon Smile

My dad finally got his wish, a grandbaby that smiles all the time. Findlay is so much fun! She smiles and laughs all the time with out requiring entertainment. She is the happiest baby with the biggest watermelon smile! She even has really, really cute dimples! I know I am totally biast, but I think she is just the cutest baby!
Mommy's Cast

Yes, its true. My two week old baby hurt my arm so bad, that I had to get a cast. She was so big right off the bat, so my hands weren't used to picking up that much weight all the time. Anyway, I hurt some tendon in my wrist which apparently needed a cast. Dr. Huish (an orthopedic doc) casted it for me then gave me a paper that proved to everyone I had a real problem. My thumb kept popping out of the socket everytime I would pick her up. Dr. Huish said that if the problem doesn't get fixed then people have been known to have surgert to correct the problem. Funny huh! Well, 2 weeks after my cast was put on, Findlay so graciously spit up (that was an under statement). It was more like emptied her tummy after a big meal all down the inside of my cast, and all over the bed, in the middle of the night. So I woke Nate up, he took Fin, and I cleaned up the bed and soaked my cast off. I think she did me a favor!
Findlay's Firsts and Favs

I thought I had to include her first bath and some funny naptime pics. I accidently trained her to sleep in her carrier during naptime. These little naps really helped me during the move, but now I am retraining her to take naps in her bed. The shot of her sleeping in her bed was her first time sleeping through the night! YAY! She slept from 10pm until 7:30am. It was awesome!
Cheesecake Factory
Gone in 60 seconds
One Month Pics
You don't see any pictures...ya, me neither. I am still waiting for my one month old pictures from Target for my now 3 month old baby. My advice, go to Kiddie Kandids.
Daddy's Favorite Thing
Findlay's Blessing
Findlay Helen Payne was blessed on April 27, 2008 by her daddy. Just before the blessing Nate was like "Maybe I will bless her that her name will be F-i-n-d-l-e-y" I told him ha ha funny and that it was a family name...Men! :) He did a great job and she was quiet the whole time! When Nate was done he came back just sweating. The poor guy! I didn't realize he was so nervous, then again, I didn't blame him - Our ward is Huge!
Nate Graduated

Just a couple days after Fin was born we found a house in Woods Cross, so we moved the first part of April. My advice is don't move with a newborn. Findlay was an Angel though and slept tons! It really helped. In our house we have this finished crawl space that Nate has turned into his study/guy room. It's pretty funny. Anyway, it has surround sound built in and a huge TV thanks to Nate and Dallin. After they got the tv into Nate's room, they decided that it would be the TV's final resting space. They almost broke their backs getting it into that room!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Findlay's Here
Okay... Here are some Newborn pics of Findlay. She was born March 6, 2008. Fin weighed in at 10 lbs 9 oz (which explains my 3am feedings before she came out) and was 21 inches long. She was actually pretty preportional and doesn't look huge. Fin also came out holding her head, and doing crunches. It's pretty funny! Needless to say, she is a daddy's girl and pretty much owns him. Nate will do anything for that little girl!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
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