The Day after Christmas Phil was out playing with Nate in the snow and took off. That isn't unusual for him, but then he never came back. We searched every where for him, and couldn't find him. About three weeks later a lady at the Brittany Spaniel rescue saw my lost dog add on and called me saying she was pretty sure she had my dog. Turns out, it was phil!! Some people found him in a shop in an industrial area about a mile from my house. They took him in for two weeks, named him Kahlua and loved him. Their landlord found out they had a dog and kicked Phil out. So the couple gave him to the rescue while they looked for new place to live cause they loved him so much. The shelter lady kept thinking this dog is too old and in too good of shape to not have an owner that loved it. Then she checked Ksl and saw my ad. I called Nate and work just after I heard from her. He left work, picked Fin and I up and we headed to get our dog. Findlay was so excited! She kept panting like when she saw him (a trick learned from Phil). It was pretty exciting.
Phil officially moved out of our house the first of march and back home with my parents. He needed to be in an area that he wouldn't get lost in if he took off again. Since he lived with them for the last 12 of the 13 years of his life...he moved back home. And I have to say, it's nice not cleaning up after his muddy feet!
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