Thursday, April 21, 2011

Funny Little Girls

Elsie became my little helper today. I was trying to get my hair done and Clancey needed a bottle, so like a good mom, I propped it :). Elsie scooted over on the couch and grabbed the bottle and fed Clancey. Talk about cute!! A few minutes into the feeding Clancey started to fuss. Pretty soon I heard "Ssh, Ssh. It okay little darlin'. It okay." She was totally soothing and feeding her! ADORABLE!

Findlay has decided to have a reason for everything. Today she told me, "I need a drink of water cause I'n cold." I also heard, "I can't have a pickle cause I'n sick." Another line lately is "I have to have my medicine!" That line is used as she gets the candy, "Reisens", out of the candy drawer that she is not supposed to get into. :)

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