Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Go, Go, Go Kelsey!

After taking the extra long way to get to Kelsey's soccer game, we finally made it! UVU played the U of U at the U in this field that was tucked deep inside the middle of campus. We unloaded, then loaded the kids back into the car after we realized a walk way was closed, drove around some more, then we found it. Here are the girls, just happy to be there!

It was a gorgeous day to play soccer! The weather was great and the girls enjoyed eating their treats on the bleachers and yelling at the top of their lungs "Go, Go, Go Kelsey!!" It was pretty cute! Then the girls heard people in the crowd yelling "Go UV" so they periodically changed their chant. It's amazing what kids pick up.

Kelsey hustled her tail off, but unfortunately they lost 2-1. She fought hard though! Did I mention she was just named team Captain for the next 2 years? Shout out to Capt'n Kelsey! Way to go!!

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